For each topic, please choose from the four proposed alternatives.

Remember, this is a political quiz to determine how you think things should be, not how they are.

On some issues you may be drawn to more than one choice – or to none – so just pick the one that you believe is best.

Okay, ready to begin? We’ll start off with some general subjects about government.

1. Morality

2. Democratic Ideals

3. Democratic Governance

4. Political Compromise

5. Partisan Politics

6. The Political Divide

Now we’ll address money-related matters. It wouldn’t be a political quiz if economics wasn’t front and center.

7. Capitalism

8. The Social Safety Net

9. Deficits

10. Taxes

11. Labor

12. The Middle Class Dream

Shifting gears slightly, here are several domestic policy topics. To be sure, these still involve money, but from a broader public policy perspective.

13. Public Education

14. Higher Education

15. Healthcare

16. Criminal Justice

17. Law Enforcement

18. Gun Control

Next, we’ll move from domestic to international issues. Some used to refer to this category as “foreign policy” but in the new global era it involves much more than diplomats and soldiers.

19. Military

20. Immigration

21. Trade

22. Global Threats

23. The United Nations

24. Global Warming

Okay, almost done. The final section covers social policy. Or what some people call the “sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll” part of politics.

25. Abortion

26. The Arts

27. Women's Rights

28. Speech and Religion

29. Race and Culture

30. Affirmative Action

31. Same-Sex Marriage

32. Recreational Drugs

That’s it – all done! Just press the button below to get your results.